In winter, the cold weather poses a potential threat to our health. For example, if we do not keep us warm by wearing clothes, it is easy for us to catch a cold. In addition to the cold weather, winter also comes with dry air due to less precipitation. By now, it has become another potential threat to our health, especially for our respiratory system and skin. The is because the dry air that enters our respiratory tract will weaken the adsorption capacity of our respiratory mucosa which is considered as the screen that can prevent bacteria and dust from our respiratory system. What's more, it also makes our skin drier, leading to itching. Therefore, it is necessary for us to add moisture to the air in the dry season. Tips are as follows:
samedi 13 janvier 2018
janvier 13, 2018
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If you are in the home health business, chances are you've at least heard of EVV. So, what is it and why should you care?
EVV stands for Electronic Visit Verification. Essentially, it is a technology that verifies where and when a caregiver begins services for a client and when they clock-out. This provides a breadcrumb trail that provides the basis for billing.
janvier 13, 2018
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The ancient aromatic organic oils are known to quell the symptoms of every type of illness, be it acute or chronic one. Due to the countless therapeutic benefits and healing properties, the potent natural extracts are known to prevent the chances of many diseases deep in the bud. The trade of the Certified Organic Oils manufacturers has risen significantly in the past few years due to high demand of Natural Essential Oils of India in preparation of herbal pharmaceuticals.
janvier 13, 2018
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Vocal cord paralysis have many causes and can impact speaking, breathing and swallowing. Usually, the right vocal cord is affected twice as often as the left, and females are affected more often than males. Diagnosis for this voice/vocal problem (speech or singing) can be identified by ear via an alternative voice specialist or by special examination via an ENT specialist.
dimanche 7 janvier 2018
janvier 07, 2018
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I've written earlier posts about stress and the importance of reducing it. By adding indoor plants to your household, you can lower the stress you may feel. Research studies have shown that the ability to see greenery in the indoor environment can reduce stress in minutes. A green plant in your sight line is a lot better for calming your stress level than soothing it with caffeine, food or alcohol.
janvier 07, 2018
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I'm sure by now everybody has heard of Vitamin D and how important it is for our overall health! If you haven't, please crawl out from under that rock for a moment so I can bring you up to speed! Most people, I'm hoping, are even supplementing with it daily (or they should be). Vitamin D is actually a not a vitamin at all but is a pro-hormone, as it can be manufactured in our body when we are exposed to light. Herein is where our problems arise. We get very little sunshine into our tissues on a regular basis nowadays. Many of us live at a latitude which predisposes us to sub-par sun exposure on our skin (where all the Vitamin D magic starts), or we are slathering on sunscreen for protection against the damaging effects of the sun, (like producing Vitamin D to keep us healthy) which halts our vitamin D conversion!
janvier 07, 2018
Cinnamon is considered one of the oldest spices and unsurpassed ingredient in the kitchen. It has a very pleasant smell and taste and is used as an addition to fruit salads, pies, and other desserts. Many people like the coffee that sprinkled with a little cinnamon, because it gets a special flavor. It may also be added to tea and other drinks.
janvier 07, 2018
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1. Live the Active
Regular exercise is one of the biggest keys to physical and mental well-being. An active life will help you stay fit enough to keep your freedom going where you want and doing your own activities. Regular exercise can prevent the onset of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, depression, and arthritis, and so on.
Tips: The key is to stay active, so do something you'll enjoy. If you're not the type of person who regularly sports regularly, instead you can take a walk or ride a bike every day. Try to make sport as your routine activity. Think about what's best for you, consult your doctor often, and move on!
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