samedi 2 décembre 2017

Different people have different choices; some go to the office for work while some choose to stay at home and do work. Housewives on the other hand have no options but to perform all their day to day activities staying inside the household. Though working from home sounds like an exciting prospective, like no boss is giving orders to you, no one interferes in your work etc. but it also has many ill effects and the biggest one is on health.

The most obvious demerit is obesity. Yes its true, weight is something which is very likely to get increase as people tend to eat a lot of junk and oily stuffs while working. The best way to overcome this problem is to do exercise. But how many of us would prefer waking up early for it? Answer is obviously very few and we all have our own home made excuses for this.
Everyone has his own style of achieving fitness. Some run, do exercise, sum chooses to walk, and some just drink water. Well the last one is the most unique way to stay fit. Some people also say that drinking water is the best exercise fuel as one just can't resist for long without drinking water. It is a universal fact that the more water we drink the more we allow our body to purify itself.
Detoxification is probably the single most important component to your long-term health and one that relies almost exclusively on an adequate intake of good water. Water is our body's only means of flushing out toxins and fats. Those if not flushed gets accumulated in our body causing gain of weight and fatigue.
The fact that water consists more than two third part of our body itself shows how important it is for us. Following are some of the facts that how drinking pure helps you to achieve fitness:
  1. It balances the body fluids: Drinking water in bulk certainly balances the fluids inside your body. Here it must be understood that by body fluid we mean digestion, absorption, saliva creation, muscle & joint inflammation and overall maintenance of the temperature of your body.
  2. It helps you to lose weight: This is for those who tend to eat a lot while doing their work. Taking enough amount of water in regular intervals fill your appetite and you end up consuming less junk food, hence lose weight.
  3. It makes your skin look good: Our skin represents us; it is the first impression which lasts over a life time. No matter how good your skin looks, you can always improve the appearance by drinking more and more water. Water keeps the body hydrated and improves the capillary blood flow which results in healthier and younger looking skin.
  4. Removes bad odor from your mouth: If people are reluctant to talk to you or even standing beside you closely, than it is a clear indication of a bad mouth odor. It generally happens due to lack of water consumption. Drinking 8-10 glass on a regular basis keeps your mouth moist and dilutes the smelly compound out.

Now when we talk about drinking pure water, we must also ensure to install water purifiers at our home. Seeing the current level of water borne diseases and pollution, water purifiers come as the best solution that are used by millions of households across India.

Market is filled with various water purifier companies, where everyone claims itself to have the best price and services. Though everyone makes promises, but very few are able to meet it. Therefore one need to be very careful while choosing the best water purifiers for their home or office. The water purifiers must have multiple level of filtration system with the combination of latest RO+UV+Alkarich Technology and guarantee you the purest water to drink.

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