mardi 6 février 2018

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of health issues - increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, high triglyceride (bad cholesterol) levels and low HDL (good cholesterol). When even three of these conditions occur together, the individual is at high risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
This kind of full-blown metabolic disorder cannot be considered rare either. About 35% of adults in the United States have metabolic syndrome and 1 in every 4 people are at risk of developing it.
Our lifestyle is largely to blame for this kind of dysfunctional metabolism that can turn life-threatening. Indeed, it is the combination of unhealthy food habits, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive stress and dependence on comfort foods that play havoc with the system and drive it out of gear.
Now there are metabolic syndrome diet options and people are largely aware of what they need to do to get their body back on track. Losing weight is definitely critical. Eating the right foods, being more active and managing the stress levels is equally essential for managing the metabolic syndrome and also keeping such conditions at bay.
However, how many people actually make the required changes in their lifestyle and stick to healthier options is another question altogether. For instance, the intake of processed foods, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, sugar, refined carbohydrates and trans-fatty acids needs to be strictly moderated. Along with shifting to a plant-based diet, regular exercise and fitness is also important.
What to do?
Knowing what to do and actually doing it are not synonymous. This is where a certified health coach can help you reverse the symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
Health coaches do not tell you to just follow a metabolic syndrome diet, lose weight or exercise regularly. They concentrate on building a deep awareness of the healthier habits and how they can help you. You will be advised on the specific types of exercises that improve blood glucose sensitivity and reduce elevated insulin levels. You become conscious of the types of food items that improve your cholesterol function and how to incorporate them in your daily life. Apart from the special meal plans, you also learn how to shop right and keep the temptations under control.
Instead of dramatic changes, health coaches set small goals that are more realistic and achievable. Even the small steps help boost the metabolism and minor changes in weight, sugar levels and triglyceride start showing up. The coach keeps you motivated and buoyant throughout with pep talks and constructive encouragements. You become aware of the undue stress levels and how to make the triggers more manageable. The lifestyle changes slowly and it is sustainable as well.
Therefore, a health coach makes is possible to make the positive changes for managing metabolic syndrome and to build long-term health.
The author is a health coach by profession as well as a writer in this field. She has penned her article down to highlight how the metabolic syndrome diet boosts up you and lowers the chances of certain diseases.

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