jeudi 15 février 2018

Natto is a form of fermented soybeans. It has long been recognized as a unique health food because it is highly nutritious and rich in protein. During the fermentation process a beneficial bacteria, Bacillus natto, is added to the soybeans. Not only does this enhance the nutritional benefit but also is responsible for the unique flavor and texture. When the bacteria break up the soy protein it creates a natto polypeptide chain which is a natural enzyme known as Nattokinase. This natto polypeptide chain offers numerous health benefits.

The natto polypeptide contains a form of collagen which can be used to improve skin texture, softness, and elasticity. It achieves this by improving blood circulation which promotes healthy skin growth. Natto also contains vitamin PQQ which is important for healthy skin as well. In humans, PQQ is derived primarily from diet.
Natto also include pyrazine and tetramethylprazine. Pyrazine is a well-known compound which has shown to effectively reduce the likelihood of blood clotting by both the direct dibrinolysis of clots as well as inhibiting the plasma protein which is primarily responsible for clot formation. Medical professionals believe this may help people avoid thrombosis, particularly in heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism's.
The natto polypeptide enzyme nattokinase has shown to be a popular and effective dietary supplement due to its fibrinolytic properties. A unique characteristic of this polypeptide is it remains active following ingestion which can result in improved blood pressure by reducing renin activity in the body.
Natto contains a variety of chemicals which have shown in some studies to reduce the risk of cancer however many of these chemicals can also be found another soybean products. The problem with other soybean products is all of the nutrients and valuable chemicals are stored in the thick fiber surrounding the soybean. Only by fermenting the soybean can the thick fiber surrounding be avoided while still gaining the nutritional benefits.
It is important to note that natto has a different nutritional makeup than Ross soybeans. This is because it loses vitamin A and several other vitamins and minerals during the fermentation process. At the same time, the calorie content is significantly lower than raw soybeans. The unique fermentation process allows natto to include the health benefits of soy without the high sodium content present in other popular raw soy products. It also contains no cholesterol and is a valuable source of iron, calcium, magnesium, protein, potassium, and a multitude of vitamins.

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