mardi 6 février 2018

As you go about preparing your nutrition plan, one vitamin you will want to ensure you include is vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, meaning your body can store it in your fat cells for use later. Therefore, taking in super high doses is not recommended as the chances it becomes toxic will also be higher.
But yet, many people are not meeting daily minimums, so if this is the case, you need to work out how to take more in regularly. This vitamin is necessary to help...

  • with maintaining your vision, 
  • improving the overall growth and development of body cells, as well as
  • keeping your immune system healthy and 
  • you are feeling your best.
It is also vital for keeping reproductive health in check.
So where can you find vitamin A? Let us go over the best sources rich in this nutrient...
1. Liver. Whether you choose beef or lamb liver, or liver sausage, liver is a fantastic source of vitamin A. One ounce of lamb liver will provide you with over 200% of your total daily intake for vitamin A. Have a typical 100-gram serving and you will be getting over 800% of your needs met. Eat this once a week, and you should be relatively set for keeping your intake in check.
2. Mackerel. Fatty varieties of fish are a must for your diet plan, and mackerel will also help you boost your intake of vitamin A. This fish variety will provide about 43% of your total daily intake for this vitamin at 388 mg per serving.
Also, it will give you a hearty dose of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are another must-have for health.
3. Salmon. Salmon is the next delicious source of vitamin A to add to your diet. Just like mackerel, you will not only get vitamin A but also take in a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Both of these fish varieties are essential to optimal health, so take your pick. Whichever you prefer, this is the one you will want to be consuming.
4. Butter. Think you should ditch butter due to the saturated fat content? You may want to think again. While you do not want to overdo your butter intake, adding a little can help you elevate your overall intake of vitamin A. One tablespoon will provide approximately 11% of your total daily recommended intake, so it too is a way to get your needs met.
Limit your butter consumption to around one tablespoon every day or every other day, and you should be just fine.
5. Cheddar Cheese. Another dairy product high in vitamin A is cheddar cheese. You will get around 10% of your needs met with this food assuming you eat just one slice. Have a larger serving of 100 grams, and you will be up to 37% of your total daily recommended intake.
Cheddar cheese also offers a healthy dose of calcium, so there is another benefit.
There you have some of the best sources of vitamin A to include in your diet plan. Are you missing out on this nutrient? If so, make sure you look over your menu and include a few of these foods.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

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