jeudi 15 février 2018

Protein - A Vital Nutrient
Protein is important for good health. It is present in large quantity in non-vegetarian foods like chicken, meat, and pork. However when vegetarians are considered, the protein rich foods are less in number. Extra care has to be taken for people who decide to change from non-vegetarians to vegans. The lack of proteins will decrease the muscular strength and make you look weak. Proteins have amino acids and help the bones and tissues to grow. It also helps in repairing the worn out tissues. Thus increasing care has to be taken so that the body gets sufficient amount of protein. Below are the list of food items rich in proteins which you can consume every day. You can select your favourites and make your diet rich in proteins.
Milk - Two glasses a day
Drinking milk two glasses a day, one in the morning and one in the night is compulsory as it has ample amount of protein content in it. Besides having protein in it, it also has rich quantity of calcium and vitamins. The milk products also tend to be rich in protein content. The yogurt and cheese have good amount of proteins in them. Greek yogurt is very rich in protein and topping that with nuts will provide half the enough protein required daily. Some vegetarians consume egg, which is highly recommended for increasing the protein quantity in the body.

Green vegetables
The second rich food in proteins is green leafy vegetables. Spinach has a lot of proteins and including it in the diet is compulsory for all vegetarians. Broccoli, and asparagus can also be added to the diet once in a week. They have 3.0g and 2.2g of proteins in 100g respectively. Similarly lentils contains 18 grams of protein and can be added to the regular diet. Chick peas are rich in protein content. It comprises of 16 grams of protein for 200 grams. Kidney beans and baked beans similarly are rich in protein and comprises of 15 grams and 12 grams of proteins in 200 grams respectively.
Quinoa is considered as one of the most nutritious foods and contain a lot of protein in it. One cup of quinoa comprises of around 185 grams of protein and will be able to provide sufficient energy because it comprises of nine types of amino acids which help in normal metabolic activities in human body. It also contains fibre in it and is regarded as a complete protein. Similarly, barley and brown rice and rich in protein.
Soy products
Soy products like soy milk, yogurts, soy nuts and soy cheese are rich in protein. Tofu not only comprises of proteins but also vitamins and calcium and essential daily nutrients. Tofu and soy milk contains 10 grams and 7 grams of protein in a cup respectively. Tofu can be added to your cooking menu to make your diet rich in proteins.
Almonds and Apricots
Almonds are rich in protein content. One cup of almonds can be very useful if you are vegetarian and performing workouts in gym. You can soak almonds in milk and keep it for the night and have it the next day along with the milk. This provides you great amount of energy in the morning. Cashews and walnuts are similarly rich in protein and can be added in cooking. Dry apricots are very useful and contain a lot of proteins. Both almonds and apricots contain low level cholesterol and they complete the vegetarian diet. Thus you can consume these protein rich foods and improve your muscle strength and be physically healthy and fit.

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