jeudi 8 février 2018

Good nutrition is eating food that has all the nutrients necessary for your body. These include: vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fat. There are many benefits of taking a good diet. These benefits include:
You are healthy
The nutrients found in food support the activities that you engage in your day-to-day life, protect your cells from environmental damage, and repair cellular damage. Proteins in your diet repair injured tissues and promote a healthy immune system. Carbohydrates and fats provide the body with the energy that it needs to carry on with its activities. Vitamins and minerals are distributed to all parts of the body supporting the body processes. Calcium and phosphorus have been shown to play a vital role in keeping bones strong while potassium aids in transmitting nerve signals. When the nutrients work together with the minerals you have a healthy body.
You control your weight
Good nutrition is not only eating the right nutrients. It's also eating the right amount of nutrients. Since you will be eating the same amount of calories that you burn, you don't add weight. Some of the benefits that come with having a small weight include: reduced risk of developing heart diseases, respiratory problems, cancer and other conditions.
Reduced risk of diseases
When you eat a healthy nutrition you not only avoid getting obese, you also avoid many other health conditions. Studies show that having little calcium in your diet results to weak bones. Eating little amounts of fruits and vegetables has been attributed to cancer. When you eat food with a wide variety of nutrients you ensure that you have the right amount of nutrients in your body thus you avoid developing diseases.
Characteristics of a good nutrition
For you to reap the benefits of a healthy nutrition you need to take the right foods. The foods that you need include:
Fruits and vegetables: They contain plenty of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and only a few calories. Experts recommend that you take enough fruits and vegetables in order to keep off cancer and other chronic diseases. The high fiber makes you full for a long time.
Whole grains: Whole grains such as brown rice, pasta, oatmeal, and whole-wheat flour has been shown to lower your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Regular eating of whole grains has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing gum diseases, inflammatory diseases, and cancer.
Fats: Fats are essential for good nutrition but you should be cautious of the fats that you take. As rule of thumb avoid saturated fats from animal sources as they have been shown to raise the blood cholesterol levels. They have also been shown to increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.
This is what you need to know about good nutrition. Remember that eating a good nutrition is also about taking the right portions. Avoid taking too much or too little of the nutrients.

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