lundi 5 février 2018

Homeopathy is a popular form of alternative treatment believed to be efficient in curing many sicknesses. Although it has been the subject of many debates with practitioners and critics for and against it, millions of people around the world follow homeopathic treatment medication to alleviate symptoms and cure illnesses.
Homeopathy as a form of medical treatment was discovered in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann a German chemist who believed that the underlying causes of many diseases that afflicted humans were phenomena which he called 'miasmas'. His doctrine claimed that Homeopathy - in Greek, homios means like and pathos means suffering - worked on the basis of 'like cures like', in that a substance that causes a particular disease in a healthy person will cure similar symptoms in a sick person. Hahnemann was responsible for the rise and spread of Homeopathy to other European countries; today, this alternative form of treatment is practiced all over the world.
However, many established scientific studies state that Homeopathy is a 'pseudoscience' and no conclusive research has proven the efficacy of homeopathic treatment in all illnesses.
Another eminent German Homeopathic physician, Dr. W.H. Schuessler found that there are certain essential chemical salts (inorganic) in the cells of the human body that are responsible for the development and growth of organs as well as repair of tissue cells. He discovered that the presence of 12 primary inorganic salts in sufficient quantity in blood and tissues of the body had the potency to cure all diseases. These salts came to be known as bio-chemic salts; any change in quantity of these salts or imbalance was enough to disturb cell functioning thereby leading to diseases. Dr. Schuessler's system of treatment which replenished and corrected these imbalances was called 'bio-chemical therapy'. When a deficiency or imbalance of a particular bio-chemic salt is replaced or compensated through medicine, it removes the symptoms of deficiency and treats the disease.
Bio-chemic therapy became an offshoot method of Homeopathy; the 12 bio-chemic salts are "potentised" and used in homeopathic medicine. In further study and research, it was found that one single disease could be the result of deficiency of one or more salts or a combination of bio-chemic salts. Hence, combinations of these 12 bio-chemic salts were created resulting in 28 medications which are used as the bases for bio-combinations in homeopathic treatment.
The process of bio-combinations in homeopathic treatment is very complex requiring exact volumes and mixing techniques and quality control measures of the highest standards. The remedies itself are not selected as the basic principles of Homeopathy; the salts are all homogeneous to the cell minerals and constituents in the human body with close relation in chemical and physiological properties, making rectification of imbalances or disturbed molecular motion possible by bio-combinations of the 12 primary bio-chemic salts.

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