lundi 5 février 2018

Vitamin D or Vitamin Sun as many know it is one of the most important vitamins needed by the body at all, as vitamin D is the main vitamin responsible for the health and strength of bone, and safety, where vitamin D increases the body's absorption of calcium, and the presence of the body The vitamin D in the body is the best protection for the body's bones and muscles, but it does not only work to protect the bones, but the importance of vitamin D is much more, since the lack of vitamin D Many serious diseases cause the body to prove many Studies that vitamin D deficiency resulting in infection with many diseases, especially among people who are not exposed to the sun enough to stimulate the body to manufacture this important vitamin.

Diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency:

06/03/2017 ↔ 1 comment
Diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency
Israa Adel

Vitamin D or Vitamin Sun as many know it is one of the most important vitamins needed by the body at all, as vitamin D is the main vitamin responsible for the health and strength of bone, and safety, where vitamin D increases the body's absorption of calcium, and the presence of the body The vitamin D in the body is the best protection for the body's bones and muscles, but it does not only work to protect the bones, but the importance of vitamin D is much more, since the lack of vitamin D It causes many serious diseases of the body.

Many studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency results in many diseases, especially in people who are not exposed to the sun enough to stimulate the body to manufacture this important vitamin.

Diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency:

1 - Cardiovascular disease:

The risk of cardiovascular disease increases when Vitamin D is deficient in the body. Vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of various muscle cells in the body, including the heart muscles. Thus, when the body needs vitamin D absorption, it is not available. Myocardial cells, and severe vitamin D deficiency in the body, or prolonged long-term disability increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, as a result of the effect of vitamin on heart function.

2 - Diabetes:

What can not be imagined is that vitamin D deficiency leads to diabetes, where vitamin D deficiency causes diabetes. A study conducted in the United States of America found that people with diabetes after taking vitamin D supplementation had improved blood sugar levels In this study, the researchers found that vitamin D deficiency results in diabetes, especially if this continues for a long time. The study advised diabetics to perform an analysis of vitamin D deficiency and to take vitamin D supplementation under the supervision of a specialist doctor to control blood sugar level .

3 - Bone diseases:

The bones need vitamin D to maintain the calcium responsible for its strength and health. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency causes multiple bone diseases in adults and children. Vitamin D deficiency causes diseases such as bone marrow, osteoporosis, and various diseases of the body.

4 - Multiple Sclerosis:

Vitamin D deficiency also causes multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a disease caused by a defect in the nervous system, immune system, and vitamin D supplementation. This is especially true if the supplements are taken in the first stage of the disease, Prior to its development, vitamin D supplements naturally prevent infection by 50%, according to several studies.

5 - Obesity:

People who suffer from obesity are the most suffering from vitamin D deficiency, as the fat concentrated in the jesu resulting from obesity prevents the body from taking advantage of vitamin D, it loses the body easily, so take vitamin D supplements with an appropriate diet helps the body to lose weight And disposal within a reasonable period of time.

6 - Cancer:

Cancer is one of the most serious diseases of the era at all, and has linked many studies between vitamin D deficiency and the incidence of cancer in various types, as vitamin D deficiency helps the growth of cancer cells and spread in the body, and increases the risk of infection over time .

7 - Depression:

Vitamin D causes depression in the body, where depression patients often suffer from this important vitamin deficiency, which has made many doctors give their patients medication for depression accompanied by vitamin D supplements to relieve the disease as soon as possible

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