samedi 2 décembre 2017

Be careful not to get away all day: no croissant for breakfast, a light lunch, just fruit for a snack. And come to dinner with a hunger that robs the first pizzeria or the first Japanese you meet on the street. It happens to many to end the day with a hole in the stomach that frustrates the efforts made up to that moment. Here are our tips to prepare a dinner that can satisfy you and satisfy you without weighing you down. Healthy and balanced dishes recommended by the nutritionist Nicola Sorrentino, director of the Columbus clinic diet in Milan (the recipes are by Prof. Sorrentino, the photos of Stockfood)

First dish: vegetable pilaf
"We must debunk the cliché that carbohydrates can not be eaten in the evening," explains Sorrentino. If they are cooked al dente and in adequate portions, rice and pasta are fine. Because in addition to satiating, they contain an amino acid, tryptophan, which stimulates serotonin, the neurotransmitter of well-being. In short, they make us feel happy. The important thing is not to combine them with fat sauces, do not fry and do not use too much oil (not even raw). If you season them with vegetables not wrong. After these dishes you can eat a salad (lettuce and tomatoes, for example) and a fruit "

Vegetable pilaf
Ingredients for 2 people: 100 g of fragrant rice (Basmati), 1 potato, 4 courgettes, 2 carrots, 150 g of herbs, 150 of green beans, 150 g of pumpkin, 150 g of cabbage, 100 g of Catalan, 6 asparagus, 1 leek, ½ shallot, 2 copper tomatoes, parsley, ½ nut, 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper
Execution: turn the oven on to 200 degrees. Wash the vegetables and cut them coarsely, place them in a saucepan half full of cold water and the nut and bring to a boil. Clean and chop the leeks and shallots, put them in a pan, wash the rice and add it to the onion and oil, toast it for two or three minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the broth with the vegetables, mix and cover with baking paper. Put in the oven and continue cooking for about 20 to 30 minutes, until the broth is completely absorbed. Remove from the oven and when ready to serve, stir to shell the beans. Season with salt and pepper.

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