samedi 2 décembre 2017

È ora di tornare in forma? Cominciate con i consigli e i piatti suggeriti dalla dottoressa Maria Papavasileiou da mangiare la sera: sono leggeri ma buoni, e soprattutti pensati per placare la fame, dimagrendo

It is the most complicated moment of the day for those who need to throw down a few pounds (or even just want to keep fit), because at dinner it is more difficult to hold back. It's that time when tension eases and hunger advances, and after a whole day of work there's also that feeling of having every right to gratify a little.

If this happens it is not a coincidence, as explained by the dietician and nutritionist Maria Papavasileiou: «It happens because often during the day you do not eat properly: the lunch break is not done or you run, and you completely forget that we should do at least a couple of snacks.

So we arrive in the evening with this atavistic hunger that drives us to spizzicare ».

That's when, convinced that a piece or two at the bottom does not count, you open the fridge hunting, for example, a sauce to spread on crackers, a piece of cheese, or a mouthful of omelette in the evening before. "But in this way - continues the expert - we assimilate calories that the body can not metabolize correctly: it increases the blood sugar and therefore the insulin that is the hormone that transforms glucose into fat".

Avoiding all this, and trying to follow a balanced diet even during the day, the trick to follow for dinner to lose weight saziandosi, is in fact choose foods that, on the contrary, have a slow release of glucose: which do not cause peaks with consequent accumulation of sugars , and which give a sense of prolonged satiety. On all carbohydrates: not those contained in refined cereals such as pasta and white bread (which, as we have explained in this article, raise the glycemic index), but those that are in whole grains and legumes.

"There are various researches that confirm that carbohydrates must be taken mainly at dinner: not only because they help to lose weight by alleviating the sense of hunger, but also because they facilitate the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin. In short, they also make us sleep peacefully ".

6 dishes that feed, feed and help the line (find the 6 recipes of the doctor in the gallery above). What to match them? "Always at least a portion of vegetables, cooked or raw, rich in fiber and mineral salts," continues Dr. Maria Papavasileiou, recalling that for an optimal effect, namely to ensure that each ingredient retains all its nutrients, cooking is also essential.

the first rule is that after being cooked, every food must remain crispy and not overcooked. "Even the brown rice: if it is al dente it has an even lower glycemic index and this means that it extends even more the sense of satiety".

Which cooking to choose? "For vegetables - says the expert - steam is always better, because boiling destroys most of the nutrients, starting with potassium, which is water-soluble and remains in the cooking water. If you use a pan, however, just cook the ingredient over low heat with a teaspoon of oil and for a few minutes, until it is fragrant ». To put the stove to the test we can start immediately, starting from these six good, healthy and light dishes that are satiated by the doctor for dinner.

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