dimanche 11 février 2018

Why Avoid Meat?
It's a personal choice, but now you have to balance it with your health.
Meat isn't bad for you.*
And you see that star, that means there's something more to be said!
There are two types of meat: Factory & Real
Factory meat is grown to be fat, quick, and cheap.
Real meat is grown to be Tasty, Healthy, and Quality.
Real meat is local, small farmer, and with animals that are allowed to move around, have good quality lives, and are humanely treated. That's why the meat is healthier and tastier.

The nutritional profile is way different.
Real meats have about the same amount of fats, but they are mostly heart healthy fats and contain a wide variety of balance and distribution. The actual amino acid profile of the protein is much higher quality. There are no growth hormones or anti-biotic residues. There are no wastes in the flesh.
That's important.
When we eat meat, we want good fats, healthy protein, and no unhealthy extras. This way, we can digest the meat and not fight it.

When our bodies fight too much or poor quality, it takes energy away from normal function and forces our bodies to detoxify the toxins. The unhealthy fats cause gallbladder problems. Our immune system is disrupted because of the anti-biotics.
Factory meats cause inflammation, a major cause of cholesterol problems. Why avoid meat? Avoid Factory meats.
There is also a question of quantity. Some experts say we are eating more meats than ever. Well, this isn't true. We have been consistent in our meat consumption. What has been altered is eating processed, cheap meats, over quality whole meats.
You will want to stick to quality whole cuts of meats. They don't contain preservatives, chemicals, or artificial flavorings. Processed meats always do, unless you get fresh from a butcher.
Once you switch to whole cuts of meats, your desire for meats will diminish. Your body will recognize quality over quantity. It is one of the best steps towards being healthy.
So, stick to 2 servings of 4-6oz portions of meat per day. That's only 8-12oz per day, or just over half a pound. This gets rid of the 2lb steaks and the ½ chicken roasts. It allows you to buy quality and be satisfied with the quality.
This is why I recommend using a local butcher and ask where they get their meats. Small local farmers are much more responsible and their animals are much healthier.
Plus, it can save you some money.

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