dimanche 11 février 2018

Spices are a great way to promote good health, especially when combined correctly. Many provide anti-inflammatory benefits; research shows that inflammation is at the root of many health problems. Some provide anti-oxidant benefits, which help fight against free radicals, which lead to cancer. Here are twelve common spices that should be staples in your diet.
Cumin: a powerful anti-inflammatory, it is fifty times more potent than vitamin C or E, and the early research suggests it helps prevent breast, stomach, and colon cancer. Cumin is found in curry (one of several ingredients), or can be used on its own. One tablespoon provides 20% your daily dose of iron, which helps with your energy level and immune system. Early studies show that it helps with memory.

Turmeric: A powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, due to the Curcumin in it. It is best combined with black pepper, as black pepper contains piperine, which improves the absorption of curcumin by two thousand percent. Not only does it provide anti-oxidant benefits, but also stimulates the body's natural anti-oxidant abilities. It lowers the risk of heart and brain disease, as well as improves memory.
Cayenne Pepper: This spice helps to wake up your metabolism, helping with weight loss. It contains Capsaicin, which provides pain relief (it is an active ingredient in several over-the-counter anti-soreness creams), fights prostrate cancer, stops ulcers, improved circulation, normalizes blood pressure, and it helps strengthen the heart. It also stimulates circulation and improves digestion. If you are sick with the flu it helps clear mucus congestion, and helps with sore throat and cough.
Rosemary: If you grill or sauté meat the process produces something called heterocyclic amines, which increase the odds of getting cancer. Marinating the meat in rosemary reduces the formation of heterocyclic amines by upwards of 84%. It helps boost concentration and relieve stress. It smells great too.
Oregano: Rich in vitamin K and a teaspoon provides as much anti-oxidants as three cups of spinach. Vitamin K helps with blood clotting, to build strong bones, helps prevent heart disease, and works in conjunction with vitamin D (to the point that one does not work if the other is not present). Early research suggests that oregano helps to prevent the flu. It contains Thymol and Carvacol, anti-bacterial agents that help fight infection and have quadruple the anti-oxidant levels that blueberries have. It helps ease menstrual cramping.
Cinnamon: Eating a teaspoon a day of cinnamon reduces your risk for diabetes and heart disease within six weeks. It also helps to metabolize glucose so that you do not have the highs and lows that come with eating sugars. It lowers cholesterol and helps keep your arteries healthy. It also helps relieve indigestion, nausea, flatulence, and helps alleviate diarrhea. It contains Glutathione, an anti-oxidant that helps with circulation.
Ginger: There are numerous health benefits to ginger, from helping settle an upset stomach to reducing the soreness experienced from a good workout. It contains the chemical Gingerol, which is believed to be an anti-inflammatory. The early research suggests that daily use helps improve memory and focus.
Nutmeg: Nutmeg is useful for good oral hygiene. It is full of anti-bacterial compounds, such as Macelignan, which reduces plaque and destroys cavity-causing microbes. It is also an anti-inflammatory that stifles tumour growth.
Garlic: It is an anti-fungal, an anti-bacterial, and an anti-viral agent, and some studies show that it helps prevent blood clotting.
Thyme: The oil in Thyme is an antiseptic, an anti-bacterial, and it helps fight MRSA infections, which are antibiotic resistant.
Sage: This spice is full of rosmarinic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory with a strong anti-oxidant, which is known to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Studies suggest it benefits memory, and is used with mild Alzheimer suffers to help with that. Some claim it helps with menopause.
Coriander: This spice helps to lower blood sugar levels, and lowers cholesterol, reducing LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and increasing HDL cholesterol (the good kind). It is a natural anti-biotic that is effective against salmonella.

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